The Nordic Poor Man™ Glute Ham Developer

SKU: P07250

Product is Hand Crafted to order and may have a lead-time up to 7 weeks.


The Sorinex Original Nordic Poor Man Glute Ham Developer is one of the best ways to train eccentric and concentric hamstring work. The GHD has advantages for a beginner as the user is only an arm's distance from the ground; however, for stronger athletes, a true Glute Ham raise on this bench is much more difficult than on a typical GHD machine. If you don't have the space for our larger Glute Ham and still need maximum knee flexion and gastroc incorporation, the Nordic Poor Man's Glute Ham is it. Create your unique upholstery color combination to pair with the black texture American Made steel frame. 


Non-Slip Feet

Double-Stitched Premium Naugahyde

Adjustable Roller Pad Height

Upholstery Colors


Red (American Beauty)

Space Blue

Royal Blue

Olive Green

Forest Green

Sun Yellow

Mandarin Orange

Deep Violet


Floor to Top of Pad9"
Weight86 lbs
UpholsteryDouble-Stitched Premium Naugahyde
